Sunday, July 7, 2019

Stop Motion Time!

Stop Motion Photography is one of my favorite forms of art making. With this weeks food and photo adventure with Kristen Manning Photography, I decided to give it a go! Kristen's choice of stunning ingredients this time were a simple, healthy and delicious meal. We have here a bowl of black rice, roasted garbanzo beans, lemon and olive oil dressed kale, shallots, alfalfa sprouts, micro greens, mashed sweet potato, cucumber, and avocado. This film was designed on a whim of excitement and freshly sprung motivation. We love food, we love photography, and we love posting and writing for possibly no one at all! After you watch the stop motion below, be sure to check out Kristen's take on the day at

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Trout Dinner

Trout Dinner

Kristen Manning of The Stock Market photo gallery came to me with an inkling to have a food inspired photo shoot! I screamed with glee and we spilled our geek all over our two most favored delights: fresh AF home cooked meals and photography. She is a mastery of staging, lighting experiments, and home design. It wasn't difficult to get a good number of perfect shots in this cozy environment. Our food of choice this evening was two whole trouts, stuffed with fresh fennel, lemon, shallots, butter, and salt cooked over a wood burning fire. We accompanied that with a zucchini and farrow salad, a fresh baguette courtesy of the Grand Central Bakery with butter, and a bottle of Thin Line Tempranillo by Red Lily Vineyards. It was fun, it was educational, and it was delicious. Can't wait to do this again soon!