Saturday, April 14, 2012

First Time Video Making!

My group members were so busy this week we were unable to collaborate, however I really enjoyed making my first video ever, AND my first ever stop motion film! I have always wanted to make a stop motion, since I am a photography lover and all, and what better opportunity to actually DO IT than for class credit! Below are my regards to Tuesday's Lecture and my first film ever, "The Battle at Lego Castle". Enjoy!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Venice Beach Tag!

This weekend my sister and I traveled not too far away to the wonderfully eclectic scenery of Venice Beach. Let me tell you, I had been there before, but apparently not on a busy holiday weekend. It was PACKED with tons of people from many different origins. I remember loving it there, though feeling slightly uncomfortable when I first visited in my wee high school years. This time, I loved ALL of it. I felt right at home in fact. We were there with a mission, however, and that was to spread our art around.. legally, on the designated walls of the beach. It was the first time for both of us to ever use spray paint, though we are both artists. Our older brother who is now 32 years old was a HUGE part of the graffiti scene in the 1990's- he was unable to help us out but promised to lend a hand next time. We had so much fun, we decided to make it a monthly or even weekly adventure. I decided to promote my photography with our art and for viewing pleasure, here are some photos of the event:

Thursday, April 5, 2012

the hyper-real

This set of images is inspired by the idea of the hyper-real and how advertising has become images of beautiful representations, though incredibly distorted images of what is "real" and true in their products. "True" marketing no longer exists, instead tricks with words and imagery lead the targeted buyer to believe in their phenomenal success. How then should anyone be able to decide what in fact is a worthy and fair purchase? Our economy will soon become, if it hasn't already, one of pure recommendation. Word of mouth and networking will be the one and only means of successful business. The fruit below is only merely displayed. Instead the viewer can only see what is represented in the reflective materials, or through the shaped and sketched glass. It is probably still enough information for you to agree on purchasing this fruit; but you wouldn't know that it might have been rotten or even fake? What are you really spending your money on America?