Monday, July 20, 2015

Kai & Pikachu

These two are filled with nerd, love, and endless giggles. It was so fun to engage in their goofy and innocent enjoyment of each other. They love comics, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, X-Men, Pokemon, many more I am sure, and of course they love each other. It is more clear in each smiling glance than in any show of affection that there is something true and real between these two. Thanks for letting me capture your passionate bond and unparalleled friendship.


Saturday, July 11, 2015

Yay Courtney & Brian!

Courtney has been my best friend since the sixth grade and it is so good to see her so happy! Now she's found someone she can truly spend the rest of her life with. It was such a delight to take pictures of these amusing passionate people who can't stop having fun for nothing less than an uncomplicated tender moment. Their relationship's strength through prolonged separation with Brian serving in the Marine Corps is the most admiring and beautiful thing there is in this life. I am constantly reminded of the power of patience and true love with these two. Congrats you guys! I am so glad I could capture your intimate spunk and levity. 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

...and then there were THREE!

Camila and Fernando have made the most beautiful decision we can in this life; to have a child. Elisa is expected to be born on July 14th and these fun and loving two couldn't be more excited! I loved taking these photos in Redondo Beach with such a charismatic and open minded couple.  There is no doubt a combination of the outrageously delightful Camila and the calm and devoted Fernando will create a stunning, intelligent, and enjoyable little girl. I couldn't be happier for you guys! I applaud and congratulate you on such a huge life choice. Photos of the lovely Elisa are sure to come!