I recently spent half a day in California's lovely Venice Beach with my wonderful German friend, Orange, in her last few days here in the states. This wonderfully diverse and exciting place exploded with color and good vibes. I love so close, but have only been here twice ever! It is surely one of the best places to skateboard, airbrush, eat, shop, and spectate. I definitely recommend a visit! If not, please observe and absorb, CLICK on the images to enlarge!:
These walls and structures are actually a LEGAL place to paint every saturday. That way your artwork stays up for an entire week to be glanced upon:
The strand where it's all at is just over a mile long (I think), lined with resonating colors and tall palm trees.
You will find people selling art, music, drugs, clothes and food. There are tattoo and piercing parlors and sometimes, a nearly naked man with snakes wrapped around his body. You never know what you'll find in Venice Beach.
There are sidewalk trails to cruise on as well as an awesome skate park where boards, blades, and bikes are all welcome! There is also a "street" area where there are waxed curb platforms and rails to legally practice your street skate. LOVE IT!
Snacks for the road!! Onward to the Griffith Observatory!
So we continued our journey onward to the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles just in time for the sunset. We romantically observed the wall of continuously fading color fall behind the horizon of the entirety of Los Angeles. I've seen beautiful views of my home before, though none compare to the stain of the sky on this particular day. I hope the photos bring about the same awe I had alongside my lovely Orange.
We then got to a point in the night when we wanted a photo of ourselves enjoying the end of our day. We asked MANY, MANY people to take a photo of us. Some unaware of how to operate my camera. Others more concerned with getting a better shot of our background than us. Finally we tried just the simple 'selfie', and a good fellow was able to take a fairly decent photo of us. I had to include them all because we thought it was just the most amusing thing. Please Enjoy.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for joining me today on the interwebs! I hope you enjoyed viewing my adventures with Orange. Please comment below, share it on facebook, or
on pinterest! Until next time, have an BOMB day!

<3 atomic moose photography
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