Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ninjabread MEN!

Thus far, I have proven my most serious commitment to this blog to be loyal and by all means, UNBROKEN. Two days in a row! So far, so great! Another decision came to mind today, however, that I would spend the rest of the month of January refreshing this blog of all the things in the past six months that I have thus kept from the internet, but are absolutely completely totally wonderfully sometimes horrendously but mostly incredibly fantastic times of my seemingly mediocre life. 

Today, on the 15th of January at 1:36am, as I sit next to my husband and roommate watching How I Met Your Mother drinking green tea and occasionally smothering my lovely pup with weird high pitched noises that I am sometimes ashamed could even come from MY voice box, I share with you, my adventures with the    ...NINJABREAD MEN!

On November 9th, 2012, my oh so great friend Sabrina had yet another birthday as does happen once a year... such a lucky girl. For a birthday present, she received a ninjabread cookie kit and she decided to open it up and dive right in at my place. Such an honor. These were BY FAR the coolest cookies I have ever baked- though of course chef Sabrina did MOST to almost all of the work.. The fun came in the decorating and I will simply let the photos speak for the rest of the night. enjoy! :)
[click the images to enlarge]

...cant forget the less-is-more, perfect mustache ninja!

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