Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I was browsing some wood sculptures today and came across a webpage that I simply HAVE to share. These installations are outrageous! If ONLY I could be this cool. I am being more and more inspired everyday to jump into the world of carpentry and if this didn't convince me that this medium is amazing I don't know what will. Here are some of my favorites (DEFINITELY NOT MY PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK-IMAGES WERE TAKEN FROM THE WEBSITE), but please do visit the webpage to see more!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Emphasis in..... wood?

Today was the second day of class... meaning the first day of class... since the actual first day is usually filled with syllabi upon syllabi and fun getting to know your classmates exercises.. this was the second day of class in which we worked efficiently to learn the acquired skills in order to make COOL things!! Of course.. I'm talking about none other than my Intro to Wood class... which I am absolutely LOVING! ..So in the life of me this semester I am faced with a very important decision. This being whether I should have my Studio Art BA be accompanied by a photography emphasis or a wood emphasis. The more I take wood shop classes, the more I fall in love with the medium. Clearly photography is also a medium I GREATLY enjoy, but I feel I am far more interested in commercial photography rather than fine art.. also... you know how school can sometimes..usually..suck the love and passion you can have about something completely out of your entire being..makes you feel as though you must beat it to a miserable pulp before you could possibly have a fully equipped and well rounded knowledge of what you once thought you were so passionate about. I have only now began to continue my practice in photography because it has been a full year now since I have taken a photo class and I can again love and appreciate the art for what it is rather than the beating to a pulp nonsense. Now I have a new love and his name is woodcraft... but I have reservations about soul beatings and life's meaning and my consistent unexplainable need to change my major... five times thus far. Though it wouldn't change the amount of time between today and graduation day, it will just influence my happiness until that day.. and supposedly life after graduation. 
ANYWAY, today was great and I loved class.. here are some photos from the logs I used in last semester's class. They are from a tree in the backyard of the home where I grew up. My dad cut half of it down allowing me to use them. When I cut into them, the incredible fragrance that emitted was so beautiful that my teacher recognized the wood as Juniper Heartwood. Not only was the scent unbelievable, but the grain graphic was ravishing and to my surprise, purple! It is not too evident in the photos, since I was unable to take pictures until the wood had already oxidized, meaning it turned from purple to maroon to red.. 
ANYWHO.. enjoy the photos :D

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Second post of the day...

Read the first one first! (probably the one below this one)... but it really doesn't matter. Here at the second post today, I give you my adventures in exporing the ever so fun and enjoyable FISHEYE lens. As I am looking to buy one, a good friend of mine let me use hers to feel out the crazy perspective of vision that apparently fish have! here are some of my explorings: please enjoy!

[click the images to enlarge]

 oh how we love our skyrim ..and how skyrim looks to fish!
how a fruit bowl looks to a fish!
 oooo shiny... do fish see color? anyone?
 my husband at a VERY young age, in the eyes of a fish
artist friend Jon Baker's guitar ( are so cool
don't know how this happened but I LOVE IT! she's even cuter when your a fish! ..or maybe a bit frightening..
don't forget to leave me a comment! THANKS and I hope your day is gilled with joy! have a swimming afternoon and whale, I really appreciate you reading my blog today.  :D


I went five days in the row making hopefully sustainable mind tickling blog posts, and then FAILED miserably for the last 6 days in that dream of one day completely the goals I set in place for my life.. *sigh* I tried my best I suppose... So today, I bring you a double post... TWO posts in one day!

First, I would like to recognize the marriage of my very good friend, Lani whose last name now escapes me because I have no idea what her now husbands last name is.. SORRY!! These lovely two were married on June 23rd, 2012 and I had the awesome pleasure of celebrating with them. Though it was my first time meeting her awesome husband, Rocky, Lani and I go all the wee way back to high school where we still hadn't known each other too well, but well enough to move in together when we both attended Cal State Fullerton. She was my lovely roommate, friend, cook, and motivator through my first two years of college and Rocky, I must say, you are about to have the best roommate of all time for the rest of your life! You lucky guy :D   So I was unable to really take any photos of the ceremony or of them for my trying not to get in the actual photographer's way (Jen Fujikawa Photography-also a good friend of mine who I recommend- But here are a few shots I got of the decor that I thought were totally awesome. Thanks so much Lani and Rocky!! I wish you guys the best and we should double date sometime! 
[click to enlarge photos!]

 The MOST DELICIOUS cupcake I have ever eaten!!!
 ...just thought this glass looked cool... it was only filled with water!
 such a gorgeous cake!
 Such simple and beautiful decor :)
I love you Lani and I will never forget the time when times were tough and you cooked peanut butter chicken and it was freaking delicious.. you gotta make that one for Rocky one of these days :)

Friday, January 18, 2013

Home away from Home

About every year, my best friend and her family go on a week long vacation in the summer during which week they ask me to watch (and by that I mean LIVE IN) their home and take care of their adorable tiny chihuahua, LOLA. It might just be my favorite week of the year. Last year I decided to make a photo journal of my stay that week.. and then NEVER had the time to make it for them before they got back.. I left a detailed letter instead. NOW, out six months later, I have them fairly presentable.. and extremely narrowed down, for I don't quite remember that whole week long, long ago. So here I will present you with that lovely vacation, about a few blocks from my actual home. It's beautiful how small changes in life can provoke refreshing, amazing, exuberant emotions to make believe that vacations are happening! That home is my home away.. even though just a few blocks... from home. THANK YOU kelly, kim, courtney, and cassidy! 

BUT before we go on.. I wanted to SHOUT OUT to my good friend from Washington who has been reading my most rambling blogs and decided yesterday to leave me a comment! :) THANKS HEATHER!! she is great and if you aren't heather and reading my blog, you should go read hers too!

Not to mention my whopping SECOND comment by the great JON BAKER! :D and son, it don't matter if "obligationless" is a word!! (it's not.. not at all) You absolutely enjoyed reading that very meaningfull (also not a word) unestablished word :) Thanks for the consids!  (consideration-only kyle york would understand that one sorry..should have actually probably just left that out) aanndd ABSOLUTELY check out his blog at

Heather read Jon's and Jon read Heather's!! if nothing else today, I have blogtroduced the two of you!
and now... that lovely week started with a floor fan and bubbles..  I discovered dogs LOVE bubbles.. it was a GREAT time.
(again don't forget to click the photos to enlarge.. plus they look way better that way anyway)

 then billy and I bought all the wonderful groceries for all the exciting food expenditures we wanted to explore that week.. have I ever mentioned how much we LOVE cooking :D So here was taco/burrito/quesadilla/spanish rice/refried beans/martinis/best/most fabulous night!

(why this picture isn't centered I have no idea and it's really killing me gahhh!!)

 and of course the doggies played/humped each other/slept all week as well. 

and with doggies comes trouble and one day lotus tried to get out of the bedroom. She thought she would just dig herself under the door.. this was my best attempt at repairs :/ sorry guys!!

 ...and I got some crafts done with my great friend Stef! How do u like our homemade scarves?!
but all in all, we relaxed and really, super enjoyed the company of each other.. vacations :D

AANNDDD... of course please leave me a comment and I would absolutely LOVE it!!! kTHNKS

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

As Promised...

Today will be a much funner post than the lame yesterday attempt at 4am half consciousness ramble. However, the link I've presented is ABSOLUTELY worth clicking.. if you haven't yet, please do! So today because of my departure into REM at the wee hour of 4am... yes, WEEEEE. I awoke today at 2:41pm. YEAH winter break! this is my last week and I am quite devastated.. excited about school but i would love just a few more days/weeks/month of free, obligationless, and responsibility ignoring time! but I suppose life must go on... 
Today I bring to you, just some simple shots from around my very own home. I hope whoever you are out there that decided to spend time out of your special and activity filled day to read my blog, will get to know me through my input other than the photo adventures I sometimes have. THUS the NEW layout! those faces are made out of toilet paper rolls! Not by me of course.. just found it on google images and whoever made these is a master of all things! Anywho, these are aspects my new home (as of October) and I hope you enjoy these random shots! [again click the images to enlarge]

First, I present my most amazing pup, Lotus. This is the reason I remain sane and happy in serious moments of stress. She is the love of my life, my best friend, and my darling child pup. We purchased her in January of 2012 for $80 from a family in Bell, California at the age of 7 weeks and the size of a coca cola can, unfortunately infested with fleas. We rescued her from the tiny creatures tickling her furry flesh. We stayed up night after night to her crying loneliness and learning how to cope without her (cocker spaniel) mother and (chihuahua) father. She has learned to sit, stay, lay down, stand up, jump, run in a circle, shake. and high five as well as kindness, patience, and gentleness. She loves long walks and hates the dog park. She is terrified of everyone new to her thus the paranoid skepticism in the next few photos. I'm sure I'll be including her in this blog from time to time and I really hope you learn to love her as I do.

 aaannddd the OTHER love of my life.. or both of them together I suppose. This is my husband Billy. We've been very happily married for 2 1/2 years and his band also appears in my blog quite often, CAPSOLIN, if you haven't already noticed. They are great and together as musician and artist, we live very simply and low incomely.. but happy nonetheless.
One day, about a month after living in this humble abode, there was a black out. Here are some photos of how we all exited our rooms and found candles for light and something to do.. it was actually a really great time :)
 just LOVE this ATOMIC candle my roommate has:
 I made these mason jars with an orange shirt from the goodwill, hemp, and real pumpkin stems, to fill with pumpkin spice cookies for thanksgiving :D
And LASTLY, I had this strange excitement and fascination with the shadow of this lamp on my wall from the midnight window light.. so of course I took a photo.. I truly hope you also find it strangely and beautifully interesting.
Well that is all I have for you today my few lovely viewers! Hope you enjoyed it and the new layout and if you don't or have any requests or anything at all that you want to say...please leave a comment down below and I WOULD LOVE to read it and will DEFINITELY post your requests in my next post :) It's been fun! See u tomorrow. LEAVE A COMMENT!

three day hump...

Today is the third day of consistent blogging. Yet, at 4:11am, I believe I am FAR too ready for bed for an epic and truly amazing photo spectacle for you.. whoever you may be. But seriously, I have a clean room and sleeping puppy and nice warm sheets and the night light on and my normal sleep attire and tired drooping eyes... AND as I began to crawl into bed I came to the bitter sweet realization that I had to first post a blog. It felt better after the recognition because of course now, I haven't failed my mission I entrusted to myself just days ago. I'm not a huge failure! ...yet... and to top that off, here is the most amazing thing I have seen all day. It made me squeel, cry, laugh, and almost fall asleep. Ultra female came out today when I saw this so I MUST pass it on... PLEASE enjoy and I promise a better, more fun filled blog post tomorrow... if anything could actually beat what you are about to see after you press the link below... go on.. press it. PRESS IT!


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ninjabread MEN!

Thus far, I have proven my most serious commitment to this blog to be loyal and by all means, UNBROKEN. Two days in a row! So far, so great! Another decision came to mind today, however, that I would spend the rest of the month of January refreshing this blog of all the things in the past six months that I have thus kept from the internet, but are absolutely completely totally wonderfully sometimes horrendously but mostly incredibly fantastic times of my seemingly mediocre life. 

Today, on the 15th of January at 1:36am, as I sit next to my husband and roommate watching How I Met Your Mother drinking green tea and occasionally smothering my lovely pup with weird high pitched noises that I am sometimes ashamed could even come from MY voice box, I share with you, my adventures with the    ...NINJABREAD MEN!

On November 9th, 2012, my oh so great friend Sabrina had yet another birthday as does happen once a year... such a lucky girl. For a birthday present, she received a ninjabread cookie kit and she decided to open it up and dive right in at my place. Such an honor. These were BY FAR the coolest cookies I have ever baked- though of course chef Sabrina did MOST to almost all of the work.. The fun came in the decorating and I will simply let the photos speak for the rest of the night. enjoy! :)
[click the images to enlarge]

...cant forget the less-is-more, perfect mustache ninja!

Monday, January 14, 2013

New Beginnings

Today I awoke to an odd technological noise that is my very weak cell phone alarm at 9:45 am and with the pressing urgency to relieve my bladder of its fluids. I took care of business and quickly decided it was much too cold to survive outside of my bed's outdated and unmatched collection of tourniquets. I then woke again to the same annoying noises that I have become so accustomed to ignoring at 2:15pm. Now I could start my day. 2:15pm is a lot more like it. I slumped out of bed, started my day with mozzarella and jalepeno quesadillas with my lovely husband and watched property virgins on HGTV until I departed for work. Work was as usual on a Sunday evening. Then on the return home I came to a few thoughts that hadn't crossed my mind in quite some time. Some thoughts that really deserved some thinking about and perhaps had suffered from such serious neglect.

Through these ponderings, I decided two quite controversial things. The first, that I would make a far more conscious effort to write in this blog every single night before I go to sleep. So more blogging to come! HOWEVER, I also came to the conclusion that I need to seriously get my computer checked out and fixed. I've been having problems with the CD burner and with the internal fan and that is too important to keep ignoring. As a result, I will continue blogging until I attempt to fix my computer when I will suffer from zero internet for weeks and therefore the lack of consistent blog posts.

Then I'd arrived home and good friend showed me the glorious taste that evolves from a good stout beer (which is nothing I would ever enjoy drinking) when combined with dark chocolate. Magically delicious! So here are a few photos of that. Please enjoy! and I will surely see you tomorrow!

Old Rasputin -Russian Imperial Stout, Brewed in USA + Lindt Smooth Dark Chocolate

Sunday, January 6, 2013


The other day I had the wonderful pleasure of photographing this incredibly talented band, Capsolin. They have such an interesting and well written sound, I recommend any open minded music lover to absolutely check them out! This shoot took place El Segundo, California just down Main Street and with four very fun, laid back, and colorful musicians. Here are some of the final photos and even a few with Capsolin's very own logo on them- take a peek!

If anyone has the chance, they have an upcoming show this Friday, January 11th in Long Beach, California at DiPiazza's!! You won't regret it-they put on a fantastic show!