Thursday, February 21, 2013


 This is pretty accurate to how I feel lately... school, though enjoyable and oh, how I love learning (seriously).. is just killing me with such outrageous expectations. But blog I must!! Here is FINALLY the second half of the photos from the last post. These of course less focused on the epically super awesomely fantastic abandoned train, and more on my good friend Kylea, who is probably the only person very repeatedly appearing in this blog.. As is appropriate as she is also an aspiring photographer.  (check out kylea tigner photography on facebook!) Anywho, enjoy the photos and I will try much harder to have more consistent blogs this month! THANKS!
-don't forget to click on the photos to enlarge!-
-leave a comment if you like what you see or even if you don't! :D-

These by Kylea Tigner Photography:

The End.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

i've been workin on the railroad...

Here is just a simple and fun shoot I did the other day with my good friend kylea at our local abandoned railroad. There are more to follow but for now, I will simply leave you with these.. and seeing as it is 1:47am and I have had quite the long day, I will include no such elaborate stories. This time, I will allow the images to speak for themselves. Remember to click on them to enlarge! :) and Thanks for visiting my blog today.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Happy football day AMERICA!

HAPPY FOOTBALL DAY AMERICA!!   [/\ not my photo! -google images-]

Probably more celebrated than the average American's birthday, Superbowl Sunday is today. ..and that's about all I have to say about that. Go 49ners!

Also, I would like to give a shout out to my lovely sister in law, Julie, who by spur of the moment and probably as follow up to odd conversation showed me many many pictures of cute animals :)  as a female on this earth I have an obligation to love nothing more than cute animals and pictures of them. So today, I show to you my collection from years prior of the cute animals I have once photographed. Enjoy! [and remember to click on the images to enlarge] :D

...and don't forget how cool this guy is: 

Have a wonderful superbowl sunday everyone! :D